ML Aggarwal Solutions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 7 Quadratic Equations

In algebra, a quadratic equation is an equation that can be rearranged in standard form as where x represents an unknown, and a, b, and c represent known numbers, where a ≠ 0. If a = 0, then the equation is linear, not quadratic, as there is no term. In other words, the quadratic formula is just ax^2+bx+c = 0 in terms of x. So the roots of ax^2+bx+c = 0 would just be the quadratic equation, which is: (-b+-√b^2-4ac) / 2a. I hope this helped!

Interestingly, quadratic equations are used in our everyday life. It can be used in calculating areas or rooms, to determining a product's profit in business, Also to find the speed of an object and it is also used in sports and athletics. Quadratic functions hold a unique position in the school curriculum. They are functions whose values can be easily calculated from input values, so they are a slight advance on linear functions and provide a significant move away from attachment to straight lines