NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 6 Anatomy of Flowering Plants

Study of the internal structure of plants is called anatomy. Plants have cells as their basic unit, cells are organised into tissues, and in turn, the tissues are organised into various parts of the plant. Anatomy is the study of internal structure of organism. Study of plant anatomy includes histology- study of organization and structure of tissues. Anatomy helps in knowing the structural peculiarities of different group of plants and indicates the structural adaptation to diverse environments. Anatomy of Flowering plants enriches students with a thorough knowledge of different kinds of tissues a plant possesses. Plant tissues can broadly be classified into meristematic and permanent tissues. Tissues carry out some of the most crucial functionalities such as rendering mechanical support, transportation of water and minerals, assimilation of food and its storage, photosynthesis etc.

Through this chapter, students get enlightened about the anatomical features of each part in detail, right from the seeds, different parts of a monocot and dicot seed, its differentiation, different zones etc. Hence, concepts are required to be learnt and understood as it would be helpful in class 12 where the complete analysis would be carried out.