NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 1 The Solid State

Solid is a state of matter in which the constituting particles are arranged very closely. The constituent particles can be atoms, molecules or ions. Properties of solids: They have definite mass, volume and shape. With the help of “The solid States” Solutions students will be able to understand the general characteristics of solid-state, classification of solids, crystal lattice, unit cell and imperfections in solids. Some of the properties of solids are: Solids have a definite shape, volume and mass, Distance and force: Intermolecular Distance is short whereas intermolecular force is strong, Solids are rigid and cannot be compressed, and Particles have fixed positions. Solids are further classified into two types: Amorphous and crystalline. Crystalline solids have a definite geometric shape, have long-range order. These solids are isotropic and do not have definite heat of fusion. Examples of crystalline solids are Quartz and sodium chloride. Crystalline solids are also called true solids.

Amorphous word is derived from the Greek word ‘amorphous’ which means no form. In this, the particles are of indefinite shape and have short-range order. An example of amorphous solids is Quartz glass. Amorphous solids are also called supercooled or pseudo solids.