Praadis Technologies launches PIE App for Content & Gaming (AR/VR)
   Press Release    Praadis Technologies Inc. launches PIE - Cutting-edge AR/VR Educational and Gaming App

Praadis Technologies Inc. launches PIE - Cutting-edge AR/VR Educational and Gaming App

Praadis Technologies Inc. launches PIE - Cutting-edge AR/VR Educational and Gaming App

Augmented reality (AR) has become one of the fastest growing fields in technology. AR has so many applications – one the most impactful applications of AR being education from increased participation to retention in students, AR is blazing a path through the education sector. The following are some of the ways AR and our new Application, PIE are changing education for the better:

Facilitates learning

The introduction and use of AR in the educational arena is a breath of fresh air. The knock on the education system and textbook learning was always that it did not engage students. AR is redefining education and providing our future generations a creative and exciting outlet.

Students are excited and motivated to learn. The truth is AR stimulates students and facilitates the learning process. It pushes their imagination and allows for the review of difficult material with relative ease and a higher level of comprehension.

Increases engagement

The use of AR apps brings about a noticeable increase in student participation in class. These applications are helping create learning models that are highly realistic. Students are grasping topics with relative ease. This is in effect creating a positive feedback loop where the models are easier to understand and because it so easy to understand the students are even more eager to learn. Student's eagerness to excel and the ease of the AR app add up to creating a smarter and better student.

Interactivity Reigns Supreme

The use of AR in education provides interactive lessons to students. Students have full access to educative and interactive models on their devices. In the long run this propels clear and better understanding of educational concepts. This is one of the best ways to engage students. This aids learning and increased educative activities among students. Thus, it helps them reinforce concepts they have seen in class during lectures.

Sensory exploration vs. rote learning

The use of augmented reality in education enhances the mental and physical dexterity of students. AR gives students the privilege to see, observe and feel while learning. Imagine the impact of content that interacts with the student’s sense of sight and touch. Rather than being mere observers, this contents lets the student live the lesson.

The use of AR in education brings about enriched ways of telling educational stories. Through augment reality, educational storytelling has become powerful through visual models. These models are unique and help student to visualize educational concepts. AR models help bring to life educational concepts and the learning process.

Other than seeing these concepts as mere stories, AR turns them to something real. AR enriches these concepts giving them a whole new life. These enriched stories bring about better educational interactions for students. In the long-run, this results in better and improved understanding of educational concepts.

This exposure will lead to increased sensory development and conceptual comprehension - taking the educational learning process to a whole new level.

Maintenance-free and Obsolete-proof

Educational materials are expensive: 3-D physical models, posters, projectors, projection screens, textbooks are all expensive and not nearly as engaging. Most of the time, these costly tools are mishandled and damaged but most importantly they become obsolete. The beauty of AR is that it's a platform where the education material can always be updated instantly – the learning cannot become outdated because of the very nature of the platform.

Another advantage of AR is the platform's minimal operational cost. AR can never get damaged or lost or even stolen. This eliminates the need to unnecessarily keep buying learning materials. Students have access to endless AR learning models on the go, at home or in the classroom.

Furthering opportunities to learn

In today's world, students rely on technology for even the most routine tasks. But the inclusion of AR in education makes learning anything but routine. It creates educational opportunities that weren't there previously. It also increases interaction between individual students as well. Now, when children reach for their phones they'll be reaching for Praadis's new AR app-PIE.

Students now have unlimited access to these apps and these apps are all-encompassing in terms of the scope of subjects covered. The use of the apps in combination with the use of the Internet are making students learning curves even steeper. In the long run, the use of AR and the inherent gamification of the applications are facilitating teaching and improving education as a whole.

Impactful Education

AR in education is vital. It grants students insights about the past that can hopefully impact the present or future. Imagine the privilege of using models that delve students into past events, like the March on Dandi, which was a civil rights march and using that past context to examine the state of the world today. What better way to teach children about real world problems than examining past real-world problems and engaging in thoughtful discussion? This is how great teachers operate but not every teacher is a great.

We are planting the seeds of our future and not just through imparting meaningful lessons to children but by embracing change as a society in terms of technological advancement. These two phenomenon go hand in hand. As society progress, so does technology and if we don’t harness this technology then we are wasting an opportunity. Not using AR in education would be a wasted opportunity to improve the state of our current education system.

Today, augmented reality app development for education can transform the educational sector. Its possible effects can be seen in all the different aspects of the student’s learning process as well as the educational sector as a whole. It is our belief that AR will continue to transform education. This is a huge multi-billion-dollar industry with massive potential for the future. Even Nasscom, an Indian non-profit IT and BPM trade association believes in the potential and application of AR.