Concise Selina Solutions for Class 9 maths Chapter 5 Factorisation

In mathematics, factorization is when you break a number down into smaller numbers that, multiplied together, give you that original number. When you split a number into its factors or divisors, that's factorization. For example, factorization of the number 12 might look like 3 times 4. Generally speaking, factorization is the reverse of multiplying out. One important factorisation process is the reverse of multiplications such as this: (x - 5) (x + 3) = x2 - 2x - 15. Here we have multiplied out two linear factors to obtain a quadratic expression by using the distributive law. The aim of factoring is usually to reduce something to "basic building blocks", such as numbers to prime numbers, or polynomials to irreducible polynomials. Factoring integers is covered by the fundamental theorem of arithmetic and factoring polynomials by the fundamental theorem of algebra. We shall learn the different methods of factorization in the current topic. It is the process of decomposition of algebraic expression into a product of other objects or factors which gives the original expression. The chapter helps the students in learning the process of writing an expression in the form of terms or brackets multiplied together, the process of factorization.