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CBSE Class 4 Mathematics

Reaching 4 grade is a big leap for the kid. It’s a time where children are more aware of subjects and topics. Maths help us with better problem-solving skills. It gives kids the critical ability to learn, think logically and prevents chaos. Analytical, reasoning, and creativity are the qualities nurtured by maths. Praadis has explained each question of mathematics in a very simplified manner, making use of the latest teaching methods. It helps kids to save time, money and efforts. All Chapters contains appropriate diagrams to explain the content of maths in a more elaborative way. Students will find it very easy to understand and comprehend from this solution set of mathematics.

CBSE Class 4 Mathematics Syllabus

SR. No. Mathematics Syllabus
1 . Number Sense
1.1 Number Sense
2 . Addition
2.1 Addition
3 . Subtraction
3.1 Subtraction
4 . Multiplication
4.1 Multiplication
5 . Division
5.1 Division
6 . Patterns an Sequences
6.1 Patterns an Sequences
7 . Money
7.1 Money
8 . Unit of Measurement
8.1 Unit of Measurement
9 . Time
9.1 Time
10 . Geometry
10.1 Geometry
11 . Geometric Measurement
11.1 Geometric Measurement
12 . Probability
12.1 Probability
13 . Logical Reasoning
13.1 Logical Reasoning
14 . Data an Graphs
14.1 Data an Graphs
15 . Fraction
15.1 Fraction
16 . Mixed Operations
16.1 Mixed Operations

Subject Name Sample Paper Quetion Paper Work Sheet

CBSE Class 4 Science Syllabus

SR. No. ScienceSyllabus
1 . Food an Health
1.1 Food an Health
2 . My Teeth
2.1 My Teeth
3 . Food formation in plants
3.1 Food formation in plants
4 . Adaptation in plants
4.1 Adaptation in plants
5 . Adaptation in Animals
5.1 Adaptation in Animals
6 . Reproduction
6.1 Reproduction
7 . Matter is All Around Us
7.1 Matter is All Around Us
8 . Work, Force And Energy
8.1 Work, Force And Energy
9 . Air, Water And Weather
9.1 Air, Water And Weather
10 . The Solar System
10.1 The Solar System
11 . Reason For The Season
11.1 The Solar System
12 . Our Green World
12.1 Our Green World

CBSE Class 4 Environmental Studies Syllabus

SR. No. Environmental Studies Syllabus
1 . Our Family
1.1 Our Family
2 . Our Extended Family
2.1 Our Extended Family
3 . Mapping the neighborhood
3.1 Mapping the neighborhood
4 . Community Helpers
4.1 Mapping the neighborhood
5 . Community Eating
5.1 Community Eating
6 . Building and Bridges
6.1 Building and Bridges
7 . Our Sense Organs
7.1 Our Sense Organ
8 . Teeth and Tongue
8.1 Teeth and Tongue
9 . World of Plants
9.1 World of Plants
10 . How Food Reaches Us
10.1 How Food Reaches Us
11 . World of Animals
11.1 World of Animals
12 . Animal Shelters
12.1 Animal Shelters
13 . Animals and Transport
13.1 Animals and Transport
14 . Bird: Beaks and Claws
14.1 Bird: Beaks and Claws
15 . Recreation Time
15.1 Recreation Time
16 . Travel an Currency
16.1 Travel an Currency
17 . sources of Water and Water cycle
17.1 sources of Water and Water cycle
18 . Pollution and its Management
18.1 Pollution and its Management
19 . House Then and Now
19.1 House Then and Now
20 . Waste and its Management
20.1 Waste and its Management

CBSE Class 4 Social Studies Syllabus

SR. No. Social Studies Syllabus
1 . India-Our -Country
1.1 India-Our -Country
2 . The Northern Mountains
2.1 The Northern Mountains
3 . Life Of people in Northern Mountain
3.1 Life Of people in Northern Mountain
4 . The Northern Plain
4.1 The Northern Plain
5 . The life of the people in the Northern plains
5.1 The life of the people in the Northern plains
6 . The Western Desert
6.1 The Western Desert
7 . The life of the people in the Western Desert
7.1 The life of the people in the Western Desert
8 . The southern Plateau
8.1 The southern Plateau
9 . The life of the people in the Southern Plateau
9.1 The life of the people in the Southern Plateau
10 . The Coastal plains and island
10.1 The Coastal plains and island
11 . Life Of people in The Coastal plains and island
11.1 Life Of people in The Coastal plains and island
12 . Climate of India
12.1 Climate of India
13 . Our Natural Resources
13.1 Our Natural Resources
14 . Soil of India
14.1 Soils of India
15 . Forests and Wildlife in India
15.1 Forests and Wildlife in India
16 . Water Resources
16.1 Water Resources
17 . Mineral Resources
17.1 Mineral Resources
18 . Our Industries
18.1 Our Industries
19 . Human Resources
19.1 Human Resources
20 . Transport
20.1 Transport
21 . Modern Mean of Communication
21.1 Modern Mean of Communication
22 . Our goals, rights, And duties
22.1 Our goals, rights, And duties
23 . Our Government
23.1 Our Government

CBSE Class 4 English Grammar Syllabus

SR. No. English Grammar Syllabus
1 . Adjectives
1.1 Adjectives
1.2 Adjectives
2 . Adverbs
2.1 Adverbs
2.2 Adverbs
3 . Articles
3.1 Articles
4 . Conjunctions
4.1 Conjunctions
5 . Greek and Latin Roots
5.1 Greek and Latin Roots
6 . Punctuation
6.1 Punctuation
7 . Noun
7.1 Noun
8 . Sentence
8.1 Sentence
9 . Verb
9.1 Verb
10 . Prefixes and Suffixes
10.1 Prefixes and Suffixes
11 . Preposition
11.1 Preposition
12 . Pronouns
12.1 Pronouns
13 . Reference Skills
13.1 Reference Skills
14 . Word Relationship And Usage
14.1 Word Relationship And Usage