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CBSE Class 4 Mathematics Syllabus

Reaching 4 grade is a big leap for the kid. It’s a time where children are more aware of subjects and topics. Maths help us with better problem-solving skills. It gives kids the critical ability to learn, think logically and prevents chaos. Analytical, reasoning, and creativity are the qualities nurtured by maths. Praadis has explained each question of mathematics in a very simplified manner, making use of the latest teaching methods. It helps kids to save time, money and efforts. All Chapters contains appropriate diagrams to explain the content of maths in a more elaborative way. Students will find it very easy to understand and comprehend from this solution set of mathematics.

Sl. No. Mathematics Syllabus
1 . Number Sense
2 . Addition
3 . Subtraction
4 . Multiplication
5 . Division
6 . Patterns an Sequences
7 . Money
8 . Unit of Measurement
9 . Time
10 . Geometry
11 . Geometric Measurement
12 . Probability
13 . Logical Reasoning
14 . Data an Graphs
15 . Fraction
16 . Mixed Operations