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CBSE Class 5 Social Studies Syllabus

Sl. No. Social Studies Syllabus
1 . Maps and Globes
2 . Latitudes and Longitudes
3 . Weather and Climate
4 . Major Landforms
5 . Democratic Republic of Congo- The Equatorial Region
6 . Greenland- The Island in the Arctic Zone
7 . Saudi Arabia -The Hot Desert
8 . The Prairies- The Treeless Grasslands
9 . Keeping the Environment Clean
10 . Natural Disaster
11 . Transmitting Knowledge
12 . Inventions and Discoveries
13 . Towards an Healthy Living
14 . Great Indians
15 . British Rule and Revolt of 1857
16 . Towards on Independent India
17 . India wins Freedom
18 . Governing Ourselves
19 . United Nations
20 . Pollution