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ICSE Class 3 Mathematics Syllabus

Mathematics is a subject which requires logical thinking and practice to succeed. The solutions for ICSE class 03rd worksheets help children get accustomed to new ideas and concepts. It consists of chapters ranging from “Where to look from” to “Rupees and Paise”. Praadis has explained each question of mathematics in a very simplified manner, making use of the latest teaching methods. All Chapters contains appropriate diagrams to explain the content of maths in a more elaborative way. Students will find it very easy to understand and comprehend from this solution set of mathematics.

Sl. No. Mathematics Syllabus
1 . Numbers
2 . Place value and comparing of numbers
3 . Addition
4 . Subtraction
5 . Understand Multiplication
6 . Multiplication Skill Builder
7 . Multiplication Fluency
8 . Multiplication
9 . Understand Division
10 . Division Skill Builder
11 . Division Fluency
12 . Division
13 . Data & Graph
14 . Money
15 . Time
16 . Measurement
17 . Geometry
18 . Properties Addition and Subtraction
19 . Mixed Operations
20 . Estimation and Rounding
21 . Logical Reasoning
22 . Pattern identification
23 . Probability